
How To Tip Your Blackjack Dealer

  1. How To Tip Your Blackjack Dealer Online
  2. How To Tip Your Blackjack Dealer Near Me

Blackjack, you’ve definitely heard of it. Played for decades in casinos around the world and now even virtually as the online casino industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, it is a simple game to learn yet there are many strategies and tips that increasing the chances of winning in this game. If you are looking to step up your Blackjack game, you’ve come to the right place. Listed below are 5 tips that will greatly improve your winning odds in the long run.

Make Full Use of Online Blackjack

How To Tip Your Blackjack Dealer Online

Aside from being able to play without leaving the comfort of your home, play Blackjack online can also save you money as there is no need to pay for accommodation and transportation when you go to a real life casino. There is also no need to tip the dealer when playing online. Bonuses are also offered by online casinos especially welcome bonuses that new players should take full advantage of. If you are new to Blackjack, demo games are also available for you to practice with before playing with real money. If you already like the sound of this idea and want to try out an online casino, look no further than Mega888! You can download it for free right now with the touch of a button and make full use of the bonuses offered.

Answer 1 of 32: Hi. What is the correct thing to do when tipping blackjack dealers. I read on a web site somewhere that you ask the dealer if they want the tip or to bet it for them. I did this in the small amount i played last year and the dealer looked at me. Most of the time, your blackjack dealer will only expect a tip if they have dealt you a nice winning hand, or if you’ve been on the roll for quite some time. So, don’t be stingy when Lady Luck is on your side, of course, only if you feel like it.

Splitting and Doubling Down

To keep it simple, when you have a hand of two 8s, split them. Aces? Split them. 5s should not be split as you double the chance of getting weak hands. 10s should also never be split as 20 is a strong hand. When it comes to doubling down, double your 11 with the exception where the dealer has an ace. If the dealer has 3,4,5, or 6, double your 9. If you hand has a total of 10, double down if the dealer does not have an ace or a 10.

Avoid Insurance Like the Plague

Tipping is the same for craps and blackjack. You will always tip with chips. Dealers cannot accept straight cash at all. You can tip the dealer just as you do with a waitress at a restaurant - if you feel you are getting good service. I never tip a grumpy or unfriendly dealer. I always tip a nice dealer $1-$2 every few hands. This can be done by simply calling out, 'Even money' - because if the dealer does have blackjack, the player gets a payoff equal to the player's bet instead of the 3-2 normally paid on blackjack. These are the steps involved: Player bets $10 and draws a blackjack. Dealer has an ace up. Player makes a $5 insurance bet. Dealer has blackjack. Many blackjack players feel uneasy about tipping a dealer because they don’t know when to tip, how much to tip, and or even how to go about giving a tip (a tip in the casino industry is also Henry Tamburin is the editor and publisher of the Blackjack Insider Newsletter and author of the best-selling Blackjack: Take the Money & Run.

How To Tip Your Blackjack Dealer Near Me

Insurance is an option available for players when the dealer’s up card is an ace. If the dealer gets Blackjack, you win the insurance bet. The problem with this is that the dealer will not get Blackjack more often than they do. Even if the dealer gets Blackjack, the payout is only 2 to 1. In the long run, you will definitely lose more money by going for insurance than if you don’t.

How To Tip Your Blackjack Dealer

Hitting and Standing

When you hit, you will be dealt another card by the dealer and standing means you hold the cards you have and end your turn. Your goal when hitting is not to exceed 21 as busting automatically means the dealer wins. If your hand has a value of 10 and the dealer’s up card has a value of 10 as well, make sure to hit. If your hand has a value of 11 and the dealer has an ace, hit as well. If your cards add up to 17 and above, stand. If you are dealt with two 10s or two face cards, you should without a doubt stand.

How Many Decks in a Game Affects Your Chances

Compared to a game with only one deck, a game with many decks have a slight disadvantage because more cards are removed in a game with more decks. Players have a slightly higher chance of winning in a game where there are 6 or 8 decks. Single deck games also pose the risk of the player being cheated if the casino is a shady one.


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Aug 24, 2014

Using a card counting system is a great way to win at blackjack. But if you want to maximize your winnings, learn how to exploit dealer error.

How To Tip Your Blackjack Dealer

Blackjack is the best casino game out there because it gives the player opportunities to tip the advantage in their favor. Other games like roulette, slots and even baccarat have a house edge which can’t be altered. Blackjack is different because the use of advantage play techniques can actually move the edge from house to player.

The only problem is that even proper use of advantage play techniques like card counting systems will only the player an edge of about .2 percent. That means that one would have to wager large amounts on countless hands in order to take home a sizeable amount of money. Betting $1000 would net you only $2, all other things being equal.

How dealer’s screw up

For that reason many blackjack experts say that advantage play isn’t enough. The player must also recognize and capitalize when the dealer makes a mistake. Professional croupiers are highly trained and excellent at what they do, but it doesn’t mean they don’t screw up once in a while.

The most obvious examples of a dealer error are when they don’t tally totals correctly. Your hand is a 19 but they only count 17, for example. When this happens you point out that you think they made a mistake, then ask them to recount. If it is discovered that they made an error you’re entitled to a free bet.

Blackjack legend Don Johnson, the man who won $15 million playing blackjack at Atlantic City casinos in 2012, won in large part by distracting dealers into miscounting, then cashing in on the free bet. One of his favored techniques was to visit the casino with beautiful women, who would attempt to distract male dealers.

Another “error” which is encouraged by some players is waiting until the dealer becomes distracted then placing a bet just outside the circle. According to the rules, this amounts to asking for change.

If you receive a card which isn’t to their liking, then you can legitimately say that you were just asking for change and never intended to bet that amount. The best part about this is that they don’t have to lie, it’s completely true!

On the other hand, if the dealer thinks that your money is a wager and deals a new hand, you may decide that it is to your liking. The point is that the dealer most likely will see that your money is outside of the circle; but if they don’t, the ball is in your court.

How to tip your blackjack dealer near me

Sometimes the dealer will accidentally expose a card during the dealing process. This information can be valuable to you, especially if they show you their hole card. For example, if you know that the dealer has a ten hiding under their, you’ll be much more likely to surrender.

How to exploit dealer error

Rather than attempting to influence the dealer to make errors (which is difficult and can sometimes result in getting the back-off from a pit boss), what you should attempt to do is find dealers which are inexperienced, sleep-deprived or noticeably unhappy with their jobs, as these are the ones most likely to make mistakes.

Look for newly-opened and recently expanded casinos. If they’ve recently added large numbers of blackjack tables that most likely means that they’re training in new dealers. If you do a little bit of scouting once you’ve walked onto the casino floor it isn’t difficult to tell who is experienced and who is in training.

Also look for dealers who are noticeably tired or irritable. Some blackjack strategy experts play only at night for this specific reason. The player can sleep during the day before going into the casino well-rested. And some dealers simply don’t enjoy their jobs or have problems getting along with managers and co-workers. For obvious reasons they’re more likely to make mistakes.

Maximizing your gains from dealer error can also be done by increasing your bets across the board. If your dealer is clearly incompetent or mistake-prone, you should bet more than the minimum on each hand. Of course they won’t make a mistake on every hand, but they will on enough that you’ll win a lot more over the course of the night.

Remember to be subtle

The casino can ask you to leave for any reason whatsoever, so you never want to draw much attention to yourself. Even if you are using techniques to distract the dealer make sure that they aren’t obvious. As for the abovementioned trick about putting money just outside the circle, don’t attempt that more than once per dealer. They’ll pick up on you very quickly.

Be friendly with the dealer in order to get him or her on your side. If they get a positive impression from you, they’ll respond in a more accommodating manner when you point out an error. Having good casino table manners is very important to sustainable winning.

We don’t recommend that you attempt to rely on dealer error to increase your bankroll every night, but it is a useful tool to keep in your arsenal. In addition to perfect strategy and card counting techniques, spotting and pouncing on dealer error can help you win a lot of money.

Tags: advantage play, Atlantic City, blackjack strategy, Card-counting systems, casino table manners, dealer error, hole card, house edge

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